PhD by Prior Publication as an Additional Proposed Approach to Promote Scientific Research in Algeria

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Selinus University of Science and Literature (SUSL), Bologna, Italy. Civil Engineering and Environment Laboratory (LGCE), University of Jijel , Algeria.

2 University of Mentouri Brothers, Department of Biochemistry and Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, BP, 325 Ain El Bey Road, Constantine, Algeria


Scientific research took a gradual development from the inception of intellectual and philosophical schools in the past until the establishment of modern official institutions such as universities, institutes and research centers. What made obtaining a degree and a degree a crucial factor in the lives of individuals in light of the modern economic, social and technological pattern. In return, universities continue to continuously and vigorously create and develop standards in order to maintain the quality of higher education and scientific research, as publishing in refereed scientific journals has been made the prerequisite and basic criterion for obtaining a doctorate degree before completing the thesis. This research argues about the equal scientific value of a thesis by prior publication in scientific journals with the proposed dissertation as a research topic by the university, which considers a doctorate by prior publication is a post-graduate entitlement at the doctoral level and is granted to people who have published books or articles in Refereed scientific journals, so that the contents of the publications are a new knowledge contribution in the field of specialization, which is edited to a thesis that culminates in a doctoral degree by the university.


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