Peer Review Process

All submitted papers are subject to refereeing, where the editorial board makes a preliminary reading of all submitted manuscripts to ensure they meet criteria for publication in the journal the availability of scientific research and then sends the research to the referee, taking into account the following:

  • Peer review Policy: The editorial board selects an academic from a different scientific authority to be assigned to refereeing according to their expertise. He/she must be research specialist and preferably a professor or assistant professor.
  • Blind peer reviewing: The journal applies the anonymous method of refereeing, in which the scientific work is sent to referees in secrecy without mentioning the name of the author or any indication of his/her identity, together with an evaluation form including a list of the criteria according to which the scientific work is to be evaluated.
  • Each paper is reviewed by at least two referees, and if they disagree as regards paper acceptance, a third referee is called upon.
  • Members of the editorial board follow the amendment procedures and ensure that the required amendments are completed before the publication of the scientific work.
  • Researchers are informed of the decision whether it is acceptance for publication or not.
  • The scientific work is published if it passes refereeing in accordance with the recognized scientific regulations and follows the editorial criteria and guidelines of the journal and failing to meet these criteria and follow the guidelines will lead to manuscript rejection.
  • Approval of two members of the editorial board is sufficient to publish book reviews, theses, and reports of scientific meetings.