The degree of availability of the integration of e-learning requirements in universities: from the perspective of students and ways of developing

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Information Technology. Department of Information Sciences, College of Arts Beni-Suef University

2 Professor of Curriculum and Teaching Methods of Mathematics.(Previously) Gaza Training Community College


The aim of this research was to determine the degree of availability of e-learning integration requirements in universities from the point of view of students (material, technical, administrative, financial, and safety requirements) and their relation to some variables. The researchers followed the descriptive analytical approach, The results of the questionnaire containing (5) axes and contain (70) paragraphs showing the degree of approval (large, medium, low). The values ​​(3, 2, 1) were based on a random sample of  (149) Students from universities, and the researchers used the statistical package program for social Sciences (SPSS) to conduct the statistical analysis needed for research.
• The research showed several results, the most important of which are:
1. The degree of availability of e-learning integration requirements in universities from the students' point of view was relatively high (64.017%), which is a medium degree.
2. Ordering the requirements for integrating e-learning in universities from the perspective of students came down as follows: Physical, technical, administrative financial and safety, requirements.
3. There are no statistically significant differences at the level of (α≤0.05) in the degree of availability of the requirements of integrating e-learning in universities from the point of view of students attributed to the gender variable (male, female) and the variable of college (scientific, literary).
In light of the results of the research, the researchers recommended the importance of the availability of e-learning integration requirements in universities, especially the administrative and financial requirements, the dissemination of e-learning culture in Arab educational institutions, the investment of (ICT) innovations and the improvement and development of educational learning in the Arab world.


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