إعداد المعلم في ضوء عصر التقدم المعرفي

Document Type : Original Article


دکتوراه/ معلومات أستاذ مشارک عضو هيئة تدريس/جامعة طرابلس- ليبيا


The attention to the teacher and preparing and qualifying confirms that the teacher is the basic and the main focus of the educational process, it is the backbone of the educational process, which occupies pride of place in the success of education and achieved its purpose and achieve its role in the social and economic progress and the need to prepare the teacher need a list constantly, especially in an era of progress cognitive sheer It requires the need to keep the teacher on a renewed level of knowledge, skills, and modern trends in teaching methods and techniques, and hence the process of education for teacher growth ongoing and continuous process.
If any nation is looking to reach a prominent place among the nations, but the educational process and paid great attention to education and attention to the teaching profession in any society but also shows how society's responsibility towards future generations.


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