استراتيجية اعداد الباحث وتحصين وحماية البحث العلمي من الانتحال العلمي

Document Type : Original Article


شعبة علم النفس ـ کلية العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية جامعة حسيبة بن بوعلي ـ الشلف ـ الجزائر.


The aim  of this scientific  paper  is to shed light on how to prevent plagiarusme of scientific  wich assmume  that it  is primarily based on how to prepere the student researcher, on the one hand, and how to configure search investigation experts on the other hand  .
From this hypothesis we will try to investigate and find out how to detect and investigate the scientific material submitted to the Professor or the reading Committee or scientific committees and by analysing and diagnosing the footprint the researcher fingerprint  ,  where we will adopt in this study a descriptive methode


Main Subjects