التعليم الإلکتروني في ظل الاقتصاد المعرفي:بعض المقاربات والآليات المعاصرة

Document Type : Original Article


1 أستاذة تسويق ومساعد محاسب بالمدرسة متعددة الاختصاصات بمدينة عين البيضاء- ولاية أم البواقي. الجزائـر

2 مدير المالية و المحاسبة بشرکة عمومية المستوى العلمي، ماجيستيرفي إدارة الأعمال بمدينة عين البيضاء- ولاية أم البواقي. الجزائـر


It can be said that knowledge economy is the economy in which knowledge plays a key role in creating and developing wealth. As knowledge is a mixture of learning and accumulated experience, and depends on human recognizing and understanding, it can be transformed into goods and services whose customers are ready to pay for them. From this perspective, the position of each country in the new international economy will be determined in accordance with the amount of knowledge and quality it has. Furthermore, scientific knowledge cannot be available except through formal education, and it cannot be acquired through avocation and training as well. Therefore, education is of particular importance in the knowledge economy. Education plays an important part in knowledge economy. This paper highlights the role played by E-learning that relies on multimedia via web as a strategic option to develop education and to increase the efficiency of human resources. Knowledge and efficiency have been become a production engine and economic development to achieve such economic and developmental targets that result from high progressive information technology with low cost and high performance in the present moment in which the world witnesses a steady increase in knowledge and information for a competition imposed by globalization challenges, and growth of knowledge economy


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