Need and Readiness for Transition to Digital Education in the Egyptian Countryside

Document Type : Review Article


Education technology department , Faculty of Specific Education, Menofiya University, Egypt


This study adopts an analytical multi dimensional approach, focuses on two main sides: the need for transition, and the readiness to achieve it.
Egyptian Rural population were enumerated as 58% of the total population in 2017 census. Nearly 77% of them in 2015 who aged 15- 59 did not use computer or internet.
An indicator for the readinees to digital transition is the introduction of digitally based teaching and testing in six governorates since 2014. Unfortunately, the trial indicated that many students were not receptive to the new methodology, besides, equipment would often break down, and internet connections were unreliable.
Another indicator for poor readiness appeared within the failure rate at 44%, in exams done through computers or tablets at elite secondary schools in Egypt on May 2018.
As a conclusion, transition to digital education in Egyptian countryside needs several years and a huge, concerted effort to achieve its desired goals.


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